Containers & Container Jobs

Adding and configuring a container

At the moment, when you want to add a container there are 5 elements that you can parametrize:

Field Required or not Description
Name Required The name of your container
Source Required You can either build your container from a Dockerfile or use a Docker Image
Ports Not required Configure the port of your container
Environment variables Not Required Environments variables to parametrize dynamically your containers
Limits Required CPU and Memory limits of your container

🔜 Soon, you will also be able to configure pods display, logs retrieval and much more.

Check the following pages to get more informations on some of those fields:

Adding and configuring a Container job

Jobs can for instance be used for migrations, data provisioning or to create an admin.

The configuration process is close to the configuration of a container.

Select when the job will be deployed :

  • Before the deployment: that means after the deployment of the dependencies, but before the deployment of the containers
  • After the deployment: after the deployment of the dependencies and of the containers.